Murat Kemaloglu was born in Karşıyaka, İzmir, on Sept. 20, 1957. He studied in Antalya High School ; he completed his senior year in Michigan, US as he won the AFS Student Exhange Program.
After he graduated from the Medical School of Ankara University in 1980 he worked as medical doctor in the Turkish Army. Between 1982 and 1984, he worked as research employee on Psychiatry Major Science Division of Hacettepe University.
Between 1984 and 1989 he studied and specialized on analytic psychotherapy in the Zurich Carl Gustav Jung Institute. From 1989 to present day, he has been working on RD activities, treatment and training practices in the Antalya Soulscience School of which he is the founder and chief executive. In our days, he offers services to patients and students from a vast area extending from Tajikistan to USA. He helped patients from 41 different cuontries with 61 different diagnosis. Ages office patients variets from 1 to 90.
Dr Kemaloglu presented communiqués and reports in various international conferences in Athens, Florence, Rio de Janeiro, Vancouver and many provinces of Turkey. He gave lectures entitled “Progress is inaveitable with Medical Dolphin Therapy” in Köln, Dortmund, Dresden, Manhaim, Luxembourg, Budapest, Bucharest, Bratislava, Prague and Lausanne.
He gave seminars and mastered workshops in various private institutions and universities among which such renowned names as Peto Institute of Budapest and Masaryk University Special Education Faculty of Brno should be mentioned. His two articles were published in Cogito magazine. Besides, his articles are being periodically published in Turkey’s sophisticated magazines, namely, Psikeart, Yasakmeyve and Mahsus Mahal. with high reputation in milieux of Culture, Art, Literature and Thinking/Philosophy. His thesis work named “Reflexions on Psychosis” was published as a book entitled “Deliliğe Dair Tefekkür” in Turkish.
He made numerous TV and radio programs on psychotherapy and gave free open public speeches for the purpose of eradicating suicide in Antalya. His many newspaper and magazine interviews have been published.